Invoice number

  Administrator, Sales Staff
  Web interface, API
In compliance with Swedish laws, an invoice number must be provided on all invoices and consist of an unbroken series of numbers so that the Swedish Tax Agency can verify that all invoices have been correctly issued.

The invoice number you start at is entirely up to you. If you do not set a specific number, your first invoice will be given the invoice number 1. The following invoice numbers will be 2, 3, and so on.

If you already have an invoice number series you should set the next number in the series when you create your first invoice under invoice Terms and Conditions for Invoice number. After that, the Billogram will automatically count onward from that number.

Are you missing an invoice number? Then this is most likely a credit invoice. Credit invoices also have invoice numbers and you can search for these in the search box if you need to know which invoice it is credited against.

Important: Credit invoices automatically receive the next invoice number and it can't be manually set.


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